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Click the link with the arrow to contribute to the specified fund. If recurring donations have been set up for a fund, a "Schedule Donation" link will appear for that fund. Click the Schedule Donation link to make a recurring donation.
Donations to help your local party with any expenses that might be incurred over the course of a month. Any donation to this fund will not be marked for a specific purpose.
The Paulding Republican Party is committed to holding events out in the community. By being present in our community we can gain exposure and engage in dialogue with people in the community that may not know our message. We will be present to answer questions and explain our positions. To make this happen, we need funds to rent locations, provide food and materials for displaying the event and literature for passing out at the event.
It helps many people who are attending our evening meeting after work, if we can provide either light snacks or pizza. This helps take the hunger edge off and enables people to relax and participate in the meetings. We also like to have doughnuts or small snacks available for any early morning meetings. Currently, members have been personally purchasing these items or it has come from the party funds. It would be a great help if this was an item that members can support. If any member would like to purchase and bring items to the meeting, please contact Dawn Forrest to make arrangements.
Paulding County Republican Party is committed to maintaining a location for meetings and party events. This location does cost us in monthly rent and utilities, including internet access. The current membership dues is not enough to fully cover this expense. The party is obligated to conduct fundraisers to further supplement this expense. Please consider donating to this fund and lessen the need for fundraisers and volunteers focused on fundraisers, which would allow more time focused on party initiatives. Our monthly expense for these items averages $650/month.
US$0.00 received toward our goal of US$8,000.00